“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”
-Charles Dickens
Rather a lot more snow than expected, but not as bad as some west and north of us. Hopefully this really the last of the cold weather and we can get stuck into Spring at last. The horses will be pleased to see the grass coming in, even if our Cushing’s and insulin resistant guys can only get it through a small hole in the muzzles they wear!
Winter is always problematical for rescues relying extensively on volunteers for the daily housekeeping. They don’t get the same level of interaction with the horses as we can achieve when the days are warmer and longer. And cold faces and hands are not much fun either! Consequently, a huge thank you to those volunteers who came out over the winter, and braved the bad days and the good days to help care for the White Bird horses. We can never say thank you often enough. To Kate our Intern, Peggy and Melanie, Susan, Betsy and Erin, Hanna and Drew, Lucia and Gustavo, Tiffany and Gillian, Alyssa, Kristen and Liz, Mary, Lauren and Genevieve, Frank and Sarah, Ebony, the Longwood Ambassadors, and the Longwood ∑ Sorority Sisters, MANY THANKS. Once or twice was noble, and if you came most weeks that was diamond, and very much appreciated. If I left any names out, my bad, you are also much appreciated.